Friday, September 30, 2011


bochildabusereformneededhere: STOP (EST) PARENTAL ALIENATION THERAPY SIGN HERE: electric shock treatment (EST) PARENTAL ALIENATION THERAPY [PDF] For the purposes of this Convention, the term torture means any act ...


bochildabusereformneededhere: THE OTHER PART OF THE PARENTAL ALIENATION SCAM: CHILDRENS VOICES SHOULD BE HEARD About Me End attachment therapy and parental alienation theory invented by richard gardner with awa...

bochildabusereformneededhere: TAX DOLLARS NOT WELL SPENT CUT THE FUNDS

bochildabusereformneededhere: TAX DOLLARS NOT WELL SPENT CUT THE FUNDS: Making a parent dangerous. Pas in Sweden and Norway parent _dangerous_pas_in_sweden_an... - Cache...

bochildabusereformneededhere: $$WHO IS PROMOTING THE PARENTAL ALIENATION SCAM $$...

bochildabusereformneededhere: $$WHO IS PROMOTING THE PARENTAL ALIENATION SCAM $$...: 'affectional paedophilia'.say what? 2011 “Parental Alienation Relational Problem” new term used by pas purveyors ADHD THEORY AND P...

bochildabusereformneededhere: BIG SCAM RUNNING FAMILY COURT. HOW CLOSE ARE WE TO...

bochildabusereformneededhere: BIG SCAM RUNNING FAMILY COURT. HOW CLOSE ARE WE TO...: Making a parent dangerous. Pas in Sweden and Norway parent _dangerous_pas_in_sweden_an... - Cache...

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Parental alienation theory mis-use harms children

Dedicated to the families affected by parental alienation mis-use may justice one day be served and children returned to safety  Thank you for visiting our awareness page may it one day end this serious In-justice being done to children reporting abuse

International Commission Finds United States Denied Justice to Domestic Violence Survivor

Anne Grant at The Custody Scam - 3 weeks ago
Landmark Human Rights Case Finds that Failure to Enforce a Restraining Order and Indifference to Domestic Violence Led to Daughters’ Deaths FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Caroline Bettinger-Lopez, University of Miami School of Law, (305) 284-5923 (office), (305) 281-9856 (cell); Robyn Shepherd, ACLU national, (212) 519-7829 or 549-2666; Nancy Goldfarb, Columbia Law School, (212) 854-1584, WASHINGTON, D.C. – In a landmark decision, an international tribunal has found the U.S. government responsible for human rights ... more »

International human rights group takes up case of kids murdered by father; mom's restraining order ignored by police (Castle Rock, Colorado)

Claudine Dombrowski at Battered Women, Battered Children, Custody Abuse - 3 weeks ago
Those with long memories may remember this case. Dad SIMON GONZALEZ murdered his three young daughters back in 1999. The mother had already secured a restraining order against her ex-husband, but the police refused to enforce it. Daddy was later killed by the police when he fired gunshots through the police department's window. The mother's attempts to get justice in the U.S. have been unsuccessful. Now the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) has published its merits report on this case--and it is scathing. The next IACHR Petition is the Mothers Day Petition filed ... more »

B4uact 8 speakers

I call your attention to the movement to normalize pedophilia in the United States of America.

Parental alienation,, normalization of pedophilia, tax exempt non-profits funded threw the health an human services,( Run by proclaimed pedophiles educating  social workers) see: 

False allegations of sexual abuse false allegations of domestic violence, sex offender  alienation, Richard Gardner, Fred Berlin, Ralph Underwager, Michael E Lamb, WI experts supporting b4uact,and many others in Every State.

The forced normalization is already under way. Children are forced to re-integrate with sex offending parents and batters so as not to alienate the offender everything is about the offender. The greatest abuse excuse of all time evolving threw our health and human services in a 3 decade science experiment to normalize pedophilia.

3 decades of forcing child victims into threat therapy re-integration with known offenders. What a hypocrisy!  3 decades of threat therapy forced jail time and loss of children for saying no to re-integration with known abusers. 3 decade of telling children pedophilia is normal when committed by a parent guardian or family member . 3 Decades of punishing children for reporting abuse. 3 decades of punishing parents for not wanting to re-integrate with sex offender and beaters.

Now Pas Purveyors like b4uact want normalization and acceptance of pedophilia no shock Richard Gardner wanted that to. How about you? If not sign here, call your reps,  call the APA and tell them to cut the funds to all groups, facilities, and educators using or attempting to normalize pedophilia. Together lets end this great hypocrisy!
Two things stand in the way of pedophilia being accepted in American society. One is that normal, decent people still view it as gross perversion -– in the same way homosexuality once was viewed. The other is that age of consent laws make it illegal for an adult to take advantage of a child sexually.
re still needed


Baptist Press - FIRST-PERSON: Pedophilia on the horizon - News ... - Cached
3 days ago – The group wants pedophilia to be reclassified and not listed as a mental ... Richard Gardner, M.D., clinical professor of psychiatry at Columbia ..
Consider the following:

The Journal of the American Medical Association published a paper in 2002 by Peter J. Fagan, Ph.D., et al. titled "Pedophilia." Consider the following quote from the article: "During psychosexual development, no one decides whether to be attracted to women, men, girls or boys. Rather, individuals discover the types of persons they are sexually attracted to, i.e., their sexual orientation."

In an article titled "Mental Health's Cold Shoulder Treatment of Pedophilia" in the periodical "Behavioral Health Management," May-June 2004, Douglas Edwards cites the previously mentioned Fred Berlin: "Dr. Berlin discounts the common view that pedophilia is a conscious choice. He regards pedophilia as a lifelong sexual orientation, just as hetero- and homosexuality, and he says patients can be terrified by the discovery of pedophilic cravings...."

Richard Gardner, M.D., clinical professor of psychiatry at Columbia University from 1963 until his death in 2003, argued that America's attitude toward child sexual encounters was out-of-step with the cultures of the world. In his book "True and False Accusations of Child Sex Abuse," Gardner wrote:

"Older children may be helped to appreciate that sexual encounters between an adult and a child are not universally considered to be reprehensible acts. The child might be told about other societies in which such behavior was and is considered normal.... In such discussions the child has to be helped to appreciate that we have in our society an exaggeratedly punitive and moralistic attitude about adult-child sexual encounters."

Gardner blamed what he described as the oppressive morality of the Bible for the American view of pedophilia. In his book, he asserted, "It is of interest that of all the ancient peoples it may very well be that the Jews were the only ones who were punitive toward pedophiles."

If you don't think pedophilia might one day be embraced as a normal part of life in America, you are naïve. You only have to examine how homosexuals have turned society on its head regarding a behavior that was once viewed as immoral and perverse.

The exact same arguments that homosexual activists have used to gain sympathy and acceptance for their behavior are the same arguments that are being used to justify pedophilia as natural, normal and healthy.

Two things stand in the way of pedophilia being accepted in American society. One is that normal, decent people still view it as gross perversion -– in the same way homosexuality once was viewed. The other is that age of consent laws make it illegal for an adult to take advantage of a child sexually.

America already accepts behavior it once deemed perverse and deviant. If society ever does accept pedophilia as normal, the age of consent laws will quickly fall. And it will only be a matter of time until our nation will follow suit.
Kelly Boggs is a weekly columnist for Baptist Press and editor of the Baptist Message (, newsjournal of the Louisiana Baptist Convention.


      1. Author - D Richard Laws
        DRichard LawsD.Richard Laws, PhD, was the director of the Sexual Behavior Laboratory at Atascadero State Hospital in California from 1970-1985; project ...
      2. PAS Help - Parents Who Have Successfully FoughtParental ...
        Politicians are lobbied to pass laws to bring order to chaos.... forensic psychiatrist DrRichard A. Gardner first identifiedParental Alienation Syndrome in the ...
      3. Understanding and Collaboratively TreatingParental Alienation ... - Cached
        DrRichard Gardner first described PAS in an article and then later in a book and ..... Law Review under the title, "Notes and Comments: The Parental Alienation ...
        You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 8/18/11
      4. Speaker ... - Canadian Symposium for ParentalAlienation Syndrome - Cached
        Dr. Bone worked extensively with the late Dr RichardGardner who first ... classes and counseling for individuals who are litigating their cases in family law court. ...

        1. Parental Alienation Syndrome

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          A concept developed by DrRichard Gardner, ParentalAlienation Syndrome (PAS) ... blend of education and experience in the behavioral sciences and the law...
        2. How to Get a Child Back After Parental Alienation |

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          Parental Alienation Syndrome occurs when a child joins forces with the mission of one ... It requires an individual to appear before a law enforcement official at a ... psychiatristDrRichard Gardner, co-author or "The International Handbook . ...
        3. The Spectrum Of Parental Alienation Syndrome Part I

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          The Parental Alienation Syndrome, so named by Dr.Richard Gardner, is a ... American Bar Association Section of Family Law to commission a large scale study ...
        4. UNL | Arts & Sciences | Psych Dept | Law-Psych Program | REU ...

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          DrRichard Wiener leads an active research team that studies the impact of law .... implementation, and effectiveness of parental responsibility laws -- laws that ...
        5. Public Lies | Parental Alienation - it's not about parents, its about ...

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          Parental Alienation and Hostile Aggressive Parenting Awareness Organization – Emotional and mental child ...Warshak, DrRichard A. — Divorce Poison ...
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          DrRichard Gardner: A review of his theories and opinions on atypical ... The Evidentiary Admissibility of ParentalAlienation Syndrome: Science, Law, and ...
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            When divorce requires a restructuring of parental rights and... August 16, 2010 By The Forensic Counseling Offices of Katherine A. Elias, M.Ed., L.P.C., N.C.C. ... expert and cannot be expected to carefully identify signs of abuse,parental alienation, etc. ... Emery, Robert E., Otto, Randy K and O'DonohueWilliam T. (2005). ...
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            Burgess, A., Groth, N., Holmstrom, L., & Sgroi, S. (Eds.). (1978). Sexual ... Furniss, T., Bingley-Miller, L., & van Elburg, A. (1988). ... The parental alienation syndrome and the differentiation between fabricated and genuine child sex abuse. ...
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          6. User:Slp1/draft3 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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            "The parental alienation syndrome: a dangerous aura of reliability". ... recognizes and uses the term PAS; however, argues that alienated parent often contributes to the alienation. .... Caplan PJ; Cosgrove L. ed... Emery, R.E.; Otto R.K., & O'Donohue, W.T. (2005). .... Brown, T; Renata A (2007). ... Bernet, William (2008). ...
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